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Rush AZΩ

This semester will be full of many social and philanthropic events. Alexandra Ciani, the pledgemaster this year, has put in a lot of work to ensure that the potential pledges have a variety of events to attend and get to know members of our fraternity.  Some of these events included Bowling, a breast cancer walk,  Halloween party, and an ice cream social.

The brothers of Delta Tau are looking forward to getting to know the rushes and all of the bids that we are hoping to give out this year. We are currently in the process of paring up bigs and littles. 

Delta Tau is so excited to begin our rushing season! At the pharmacy student activities fair, we promoted AZO and PFBL to all of the new first year pharmacy students. Our tablet had the most excitement (as you can tell).

Fraters display their Rush Alpha Zeta Omega shirts, which were a big hit amongst other chapters as well. With a motto of Just Do It, there is little that can stop us for this fraternal year.

Spreading the PF&BL

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